Do you see pink elephants?

Had a day off from writing yesterday – just plain out of inspiration. Then voila – today it came flooding back. While doing research for the final chapter of my romance “Flight of Passion” I came across an entry from a young girl who was placed in a drug induced coma.

“So I lay there very aware of my surroundings when awake and then drifting off to sleep. When I slept, because of all the drugs I was on, it was like being in a whole other world. A world where I was on acid and things were very similar to the movie Alice in Wonderland or Dumbo. I even started telling my aunt and grandmother about the pink elephants that were dancing around the room and was amazed that they could not see them, they were everywhere!”

Her experience reminded me of a creature I once drew while training in Interactive Drawing Therapy – a bit like this colourful Giraffe

According to the IDT trainer – that creature was me! Must dig out my actual drawing. My Giraffe had wings turns out that creature was me! More on that later.

The best thing, one of the many best things, about being a writer is the ability and permission to be continually inspired …

and distracted!

Must get back to my scene now:)

To help me get back in the writing zone I have compiled a theme track for my book – right now John Mayer is singing “I born in the arms of imaginary friends” from the track “Half of my heart.” Very apt.

I’m also infusing my room with Mandarin Essential Oil.

Mandarin essential oil is extracted by cold expression of the outer peel of the fruit; it has a light, fruity-citrus aroma, similar to Orange essential oil. Mandarin oil is balancing, uplifting and calming; its properties include being an anti-depressant. Mandarin essential oil has a delicious aroma that never fails to bring a feeling of sunshine and happiness to any occasion

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